do you know the answer to this question


do you know the answer to this questionbrian patrick flynn magnolia

The hospitality industry is a busy one, and companies love what they do. 1. Be sure to subscribe to this channel -, customers and end-users ask questions to which we. Don't shade the question. So we'll have to spot the difference between the two. Whether it's a technical question on something you've never heard of before or just something completely unexpected, a question that stumps you can really throw off the pacing of the conversation and leave you a bit shaken up. Both phrases look alike. Answering interview questions can be stressful, especially if it is a job that you really want. When you answer those famous "select all that apply" questions, go through each answer individually as if you were answering it as a true or false question. It assumes you beat your wife. Because we can break up identity . Try rephrasing the question or clarifying that you understand it before answering. Similarly, they are finding someone who knows how the company works and the services they . If you can understand their question, you asked a few clarifying questions, and you still don't have an answer, don't BS your way through it. Forgot the answer to my security question so I can change my password I forgot for pua unemployment. Basically, you need to convey that although you do not know the answer, you are willing to go an extra mile to learn about this and this is something which will not stop you from delivering value. I think people ask questions they know the answers to because they feel more confident when someone they perceive to be credible verifies it for them. As you do this, be sure to include signposting or transition words like first, second, then, after that, and finally to help your answer flow smoothly. Direct Them to Someone Who Does Know. Initial silence is OK, it just means you are thinking about your answer. 2- Do anything else you can that seems proactive to helping them to delay them while you find out :i.e. It's the stuff that makes up a "self.". If you do not know the exact answer to an interview question, it may be because you do not understand the question or the interviewer was not being completely clear. Sometimes, you don't know the answer to a question because there's no earthly way you could. The most important thing initially is to stay calm. This is where your research and passion for hospitality comes into play. But sometimes a question can really stump you, and defaulting to "I don't know" or "I'll get back to . Seven reasons why people ask questions - and only one of them is because they want to know the answer By Jane on 11 November, 2015 • ( 4). Be sure to subscribe to this channel -, customers and end-users ask questions to which we. Question 1: What do you know about our company? This quiz won't test whether anybody is a grade A student or whether they just got 100% on that math test. The old saying 'honesty is the best policy' has stood the test of time because it's true. Best Answer. 2. "Yellow Light" Slow down. Related: Top 10 Pharmaceutical Interview Questions and Answers 3) Ask Questions Sometimes you know the question and it's the language that fogs your ability to comprehend it. Ask Good Questions. Gaining an understanding of the specific types of questions you ask not only helps you achieve better answers and build stronger relationships, but it'll also help you avoid misleading people, or worse, prevent you from suffering a dreaded communication breakdown. Sample interview answer #1: "Well, XYZ is one of the fastest growing startups in the hotel industry in India today. So I would say the main ones will be 3 and 4. The question you flat out don't know how to answer It's bound to happen at some point, even with heavy advance preparation: a reporter asks the question that absolutely stumps you. If you start panicking, your body will begin reacting physiologically. Although recently founded in the year 2014, the company's success stories recently published on LinkedIn and various other press releases are just commendable. Treat the answers as a True or False question. Find the answer on the internet, copy it and paste it in the answering window so that students get the help they need b. Employers are prohibited from asking certain personal questions during job interviews and reference checks that may sway their decision unfairly. If you know of someone likely able to answer a question that has you stumped, it should be your go to technique. Our identity is our all-encompassing system of memories, experience, feelings, thoughts, relationships, and values that define who each of us is. They are not interested in you if you are not interested in them. Killer question 1 - You don't know the answer. This school is your favorite celebrity's alma-mater and you've only heard good things about the school. Do not answer inappropriate personal questions. "You can say, 'I appreciate that this is of interest, right now. Stay short. Yet no matter how much preparation you do for . An employer wants to know you are enthusiastic about their organization. When you ask a question you already know the answer to, it's called a Known Answer Question. In the context of 'College Applications and Entrance Requirements,' questions about 'in what capacity' the applicant has been known can (and should) be answered directly and . Why it is so? If you are asked a question during a technical interview that you don't know the answer to, it is ok to tell the interviewer you don't know the answer. What to say when you feel stuck or don't know the answer to a job interview question. Here at Bright Side we've collected 10 useful facts about various subjects to see your knowledge level. Marshall Duke and I developed the "Do You Know…?" scale, sometimes called "The 20 Questions," that tap into different kinds of family stories. What questions should you ask. Answer Part Of The Question. you know the answer, but you just didn't quite understand the drift of the question itself. This is not one of the more difficult interview questions to answer, and as long as your response sounds similar to the two sample answers we just looked at, then you'll . Stay . Or maybe you just didn't hear it right. It assumes you beat her at night. Come clean. The moment you ask a question to which you do not know the answer, you are virtually guaranteed to get an answer that will surprise you and shock you. Luckily, you can use a variety of different tools to solve your inquiry. (with Samples) The question of, "What do you know about us?" is asked to gauge your real interest in the job and the employer. Answer (1 of 10): Let's see. Copy. You only . Tap to see the answer. However less than 10% of the population can answer the most common knowledge questions correctly. Either way, asking questions shows your eagerness or interest in the interview which ultimately works in your favor. Come the day of that big interview, you know you'll ace the tell me about yourself question. When you are with a group of people who know and trust you, saying 'I don't know' is a form of transparency and can build trust. You can try to spin this into a more positive answer by saying that you'll be thinking about this question after the interview, that you'll do some research, or even . Both work grammatically. 50 Common Sense Questions Everyone Should Be Able To Answer. Having a question that you don't know the answer to can be frustrating. The usual reply is likewise, 'How do you do'. Use these 5 simple strategies to sound calm, confident, and in control . If they're simply trying to break your will to live than it can take minutes, most parts of the world are well practiced in such techniques and unhardened people don't stand a snowballs chance . The "answer" to "who am I" is our identity. For example, in Oscar Wilde's Lady Windermere's Fan, 1892: Lord Darlington: How do you do, Lady Windermere? In business, we expend a lot of energy answering questions. If you ever find yourself in such a situation where you don't know the answer to a customer's question, the first thing you must avoid is saying "I don't know". The worst thing you can do is outright lie to a customer . Keep that to yourself. You'll appear knowledgeable, even if you need to do some fact checking or bring in another employee to handle the rest of the questions. Here are some ways to NOT answer the question: You haven't thought it through and you're applying just because. You may think you know the answer. You've Googled tons of interview questions.You're ready. It could also be that the question wasn't clear,. The five steps below will help you appear calm, collected and confident on stage if you get a question you don't know the answer to. Why? The interviewer wants to know why you're an excellent fit for the job . That's extremely dangerous. Ask Questions to Clarify. It is a speaking test so the examiner needs to hear you speaking. Students, it's vital that you have a good strategy for answering multiple choice questions. Make your questions answer-neutral. If you do not know the answer to a question you see, what should you do? If you don't know the answer to a green light question right away, circle it and move on; often the answer will pop into your head later on during the exam. Tell Me About Yourself - Best Answers. That question also assumes a number of facts. However, when you actually do not "know" and wish to make that fact known, the correct one-word answer would be "No." I think that the main reason for confusion arises from the fact that the question is asked in the negative and the concern is that a response of "No" is a second negative, which combined with the first negative would result in a . By asking a novel question that you don't know the answer to, you discover whether you can formulate a way of finding the answer, and you stretch your own mind, and very often you learn something new. No matter how prepared you are, certain interview questions will always be difficult to answer. - Mary Schaefer, Artemis Path, Inc. 4. Lady Windermere: How do y. If we refer to the rule of making question (WH-word + verb to be/verb to have + subject + verb + description). Answer the Question When You Follow Up With the Interviewer. Even within your own department, sometimes you don't have the background or expertise to answer everything (nor, frankly, should you). When asking this question, an interviewer isn't expecting you to know 100 percent where you see yourself in the future, but they do want to know if you have ambition, goals, focus, and drive. Express how keen you are by doing your research on the company history, values, goals, competition, and . Of denotes ownership - that the answer "belongs" to the question. (CNN) On Thursday, Mitch McConnell was asked about the sluggish Covid-19 vaccination rates among his fellow . Nobody in Google can access your account to check these. putting them on hold while you "check their account" or some such thing - or ask them questions (especially the kind that will get you long winded answers you dont need to pay attention to) while you scan the label or pass a note to your . It is better to be 100% sure than assuming you are correct then make mistakes. A misconception about leaders is that they should — and do . It's one of the most common questions, yet most people don't have a clue how to respond. You can even redirect the question to the audience. You're inviting the witness to tell the jury something that you don't know. The answer to both these questions might be "No, I'm not going, I have too much work." - the contexts for the questions are very different. Tell the investors something to the effect of: "Great questions. Details of your account activity are not useful. Preparing for interviews is serious business. Mitch McConnell doesn't know the answer to the simplest question in the world. Answer (1 of 57): 'How do you do' is a rather formal greeting used normally only on the first occasion of meeting. Depending on the question, you can use a search engine, conduct extensive research, or contact a professional. How NOT to answer this question. You cannot choose the security questions Google ask; we don't know how, why or what they select, if any. But even if you practice, and practice, and practice, you could still get a question you just don't know how to answer. How to handle such questions : First thing, maintain your calm, do not blabber instead say something smart and do not just stay numb. Learn to discern which questions are yours to answer, as the supervisor. Then you can either search for the answer with the student if you have time and it is appropriate. If you don't want to answer the entire question, find a part that you can address, says Sullivan. This is an easy and understandable first step, but it's one many students miss. Be prepared to answer the question anyway. The moment you try to bluff your way through a question you don't know the answer to you lose your credibility. Answer what you can answer at first. Do: Pause. Try this instead. I kinda do a Google research on this and basically most people say it should be the first one but unfortunately the correct one is the second one. Step into the question. If nothing springs to mind . "You can reach me over my email over here and then I will send you the answer to your question as a reply" If you promised to deliver something you will have to have a way to do it. But in some cases, the interviewer might come back and say they truly need an answer they can . However, you should elaborate on your answer and explain how you would go about finding the information for the answer if this were a problem you faced on the job. . Start with, "In this position, I would start by _______" or "It depends on the situation but I would _____" and then go through the steps you would take in that process. Either way, asking questions shows your eagerness or interest in the interview which ultimately works in your favor. a. 1. What about you? If you do it in a confident tone, it can be effective and efficient, getting answers in that moment. A rhetorical question is when you ask the audience or person a question you don't want an answer to. Exit the answering window immediately, and log in the next day to view the next question c. Skip the question under "I need more information . In that case, aim to uncover more detail or the purpose of the question. Many interviewers will appreciate you taking a moment to compose a thoughtful answer rather than rushing through a hollow answer. These questions are designed as a starting . The. What do you do inside a smoky room? 2) Do you know what it is? These questions are more detailed than green light questions, but are based on the same idea: you either know the answer or you don't. If you don . It will not look good if you don't make the effort to answer every question. And unfortunately, the difference not grammatical but conceptual. Answer: You have approximately 2-3 minutes to answer this. When Thomas Kuhn said "the answers you get depend on the questions you ask," he was definitely onto something. 1) Do you know what is it? Make sure you don't just brush your client off with an, "I don't know go ask so-and-so," or something similar. I have also read the company's 'about us' on the official . 'What do you know about our company?' is one of the questions that many people struggle with. When it comes to asking questions when you're asked "Do you have any questions for me" in an interview, there are some interesting choices . Then, reflect on your job history - even a less-than-exciting moment may be relevant. Come clean, quickly. The worst thing you can do is try to simply wing it and/or fake your way to an answer (or, more likely, a non-answer). Hi Anthony. When you don't know the answer to difficult interview questions, be honest and admit your lack of familiarity (the worst thing you can do is fake expertise when you really don't feel comfortable with a subject), but don't dwell on what you don't know. The information that you learn can help you answer their questions with their values, industry and history in mind, inform the types of questions you should be asking them during the meeting and, most importantly, provide valuable insight into whether you think you would be a good fit for the company. When the interviewer asks this question, they are trying to gauge how prepared you are, and your level of interest in the position. If you are genuinely perplexed by the question and do not think buying time, defining terms, or asking the interviewer to rephrase the question will help, say you are not sure. How to Answer: What Do You Know About Our Company? Sometimes refocusing the question is all you need to do. I mean, one, you can take a pass. Just because you work at a given company doesn't mean you know the ins and outs of a project two departments over. So for each one, read the question and look at the answer, and decide if that answer is true or false. That will give you enough time to start thinking through your answer on the sly. No one expects you to know everything about every single aspect. Not answering at all can make you and your company look bad, but saying the wrong thing can turn the tables way out of your favor. Your friend is going to this school and you want to go with them. Don't get frazzled. Community Answers. Most of the time it's no big deal when you don't have a solid answer right away. You can say, "Um, I don't know. A: #1 - "Before I answer that question, I'd like to ask what you typically pay someone with my experience and education in this type of position." (Good Answer) A: #2 - I'm sure when the time comes and I know more about the facts of the position and how it fits into the bigger picture, we can come to a mutually agreeable figure . And if you don't know what to ask, then don't worry, we've got you covered! So, you must ask questions when they ask you "Do you have any questions for me?". Mar 07, 2014: IELTS speaking by: IELTS buddy Hi, No, definitely don't do that! Tap to see the answer. 3. By following the guide below, you will able to project a professional image to the customer despite the fact that you didn't have the answers at the beginning of the . A question that is so far-fetched that I would be well within my right to tell you not to answer the question. Someone can be the best student in the world, have as much "book smarts" as possible, and they could still fail this quiz if you don't have any common sense. When you're networking or in a job interview, how you answer this question can help you sell your candidacy to an employer, or it can show them that you're extremely boring and you don't even really know what you do. Or maybe you just didn't hear it right. 6. Always begin with a "thesis statement" and end with a "conclusion". There is a far more important one to you, and that is, what . But not all questions have answ. Be prepared to talk about yourself, and why you're an ideal candidate for the position. Use this 4 step process to answer any multiple choice question like you're getting paid to do it. They might even ask you a question that you know the answer to, but you forgot. The general answer to your question is a person can last minutes to weeks and your survival more depends upon the motives of the torturer/interrogator. When you're faced with a question that you just can't seem to come up with an answer for, there's no harm in answering that question later on when you reach out to the interviewer with your follow-up email.. Interviewers don't expect you to have all of the answers to every single tough question, but showing them that you're . Follow the same principles for follow-up questions. Well, there's a couple of things you can do. If you need time, ask the interviewer. This is a simple redirection. So, how do you handle a situation where you're put on the spot, they ask you a question and you just have no idea. Before long, you'll be that much closer to finding the answer. Never lie to a customer. Great. While a candidate may choose to answer such a question during their interview, you are not permitted to provide this information about them. Home › Business Life › Seven reasons why people ask questions - and only one of them is because they want to know the answer. i.e. Step #1: Stay comfortable. If you fail to have a good answer to this question, the interview is effectively over. Teacher Example. Related: Top 10 Pharmaceutical Interview Questions and Answers 3) Ask Questions Sometimes you know the question and it's the language that fogs your ability to comprehend it. Take the time to make a rough outline of what you want to write and in what order you want to present it. Do admit you do not know. 1. Take a sip of water, a deep breath, or ask for a moment to collect your thoughts. Six tips. You should say that you don't know the answer or did not prepare for answering it (especially if it is a question that is out of topic). As questions arose within class about the topic, I responded, albeit uncomfortably, "Well, that's a good question, but I don't know the answer." However, that admission enabled students to witness the research process and the modeling of what Schwartz refers to as "productive stupidity." If you follow the example answers above, show them you've done your research and know what type of company you're interviewing with, you'll do fine on this question. Know what each multiple choice question is asking. This is one of the first questions you are likely to be asked. The defense lawyer asked you an off-the-wall question. I trained interviewers to be comfortable with silence and asked them to actually embrace the silence. 3. 1. is asked as an open question (we do not know the answer) 2. is asked in the negative form because the speaker has reason to believe the answer will be negative (it is late so going to the cinema . Slavery is not the only question which comes up in this controversy. Identity is a critical component of understanding who we are. Walter Gilbert. If you need more information to completely satisfy the customer, worry about the last. The witness will give you an explanation that will likely hurt you and your case. STRUCTURED: You know the answer to the question but your ability to communicate that knowledge to your professor depends on how well you structure your answer.

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do you know the answer to this question

do you know the answer to this question

do you know the answer to this question

do you know the answer to this question